Some Chile Pepper Garden Photos

Some of this year's new hybrid crop.

Seedlings, Late Spring.

Some of last year's plants, and 2012 seedlings, in Early Summer.

Some of this year's first fruits, Mid-Summer

Some of the "Teenager" seedlings, late Summer.

Stephen King, the bon vivant and wine and chili aficionado, picking His Peppers, while sipping some chilled Stoney Hill.
I hope to be posting photos of his "hobby" chili garden. He grows a very respectable amount of thai dragons, Scotch Bonnets, Habaneros, and now the Bhut Jolokia (Ghost Peppers).

Steve with our friend Ted Conroy, preparing from-scratch Fresh Ghost Pepper Salsa.

Ted, looking for his fingertip.......

Ted, "ghosting out". The hot sauce was fantastic!

Chile Gardening Links
National Gardening Association
How to Grow Chile Peppers, Chile Varieties, Vegetable Gardening: Food + Cooking :
Growing chilli peppers in containers and gardens (selfsufficientish) | Container Gardening
How to Grow Pepper Plants, Growing Pepper Plants, Pepper Seeds
Urban Garden Magazine | Bhut Jolokia: From Seed to Harvest & Beyond
Pepper Facts - Planning the Garden
Pepper | Archives | Aggie Horticulture
Grow Hot Peppers - Chili Peppers, Hot Peppers, Habanero Peppers, and More
Fertilizing Pepper Plants – What Is The Best Fertilizer For Pepper Plants